Hi, I'm Christian, a product designer with 8 years of experience designing web- and native apps.
Available for hire.
What I do

End-to-end product design

I cover the full Product Design process from strategy and initial idea, through conceptualization and testing, to final UI and collaboration with engineering.
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Product Strategy

My work always begins with a clear understanding of the overall business goals, business model, and broader product strategy of your company. This is often something I help define for startups, businesses exploring new opportunities, or companies that simply haven’t been product-led in the past.


UX Research

I view a solid understanding of your users and their needs as an essential foundation for a good product design process.
This understanding comes through quantitative data analysis of your users’ behavior in the product combined with qualitative research methods like surveys, interviews, contextual inquiries, focus groups, and more.


UX & UI design

I pride myself on merging the practices of UX and UI into products that are both highly user-friendly and pleasing to look at. I utilize a wide variety of tools and methods to move as efficiently as possible from low fidelity to final UI. My exact process will be adapted to your unique business, product, user base, prior work, collaborators, deadlines, and more.


Testing & Implementation

Usability testing and collaboration with Engineering are both essential and an integral component throughout my design process. This ensures that we’re building the best possible solution for users and the most technically viable for the company.



I plan and facilitate Design Sprints and workshops of all kinds to harness the tremendous value that comes from co-creation and cross-functional collaboration throughout the research, design, and testing process. 

Selected Work

Vivino Premium

Vivino’s new Premium offering launched in four test markets in May of 2023 and has since been rolled out to millions of users across the globe.
UX Design
UI Design
Vivino Premium

Mobile website builder reimagined

We discarded our old “template” concept and completely reimagined the process of creating a website with SimpleSite.
UX Design
UX Research
Mobile website builder reimagined


Scentista helps you discover and learn about your favorite fragrances and the artisans who created them.
UX Design
UI Design

Blogging tool in a DIY website builder

We designed and built a dedicated blogging functionality into SimpleSite's existing website builder.
UX Research
UX Design
UI Design
Blogging tool in a DIY website builder


Support your local businesses with digital vouchers and save money in the process.
UX Design
UI Design

Let's talk

I only accept a job when I know it’s a good match for my skills and personality, and I hope you’re equally selective about who you bring onto your team. Because of that, I’m always up for an informal chat so we can get to know each other better and assess the opportunity from there. 
Reach out
Reach out
Webflow Template
Webflow Template

What people say about me

See what former managers, colleagues, and clients have to say about me and my work.

The projects that he managed were well-scoped and -described and followed predictable schedules and deadlines

Christian and I worked together daily at SimpleSite for 4 years. During that time Christian held positions in Product Development as UX Designer and Product Design Lead. In both roles, Christian was my direct report. In the latter role, Christian led 3 other designers in the daily work.
As Product Design Lead, Christian and his team led the product discovery and design of multiple successful features of the SimpleSite core product. Through all of these, Christian drove the adherence to solid design principles and a data-driven and -informed design process. In addition to his work as a designer, Christian used his facilitation skills to lead cross-disciplinary teams in discovery work such as Design Sprints and similar workshops on multiple occasions.
I found Christian to be a strong and empathic team lead for the Product Design Team at SimpleSite. The team that he managed was very productive, flexible and generally a good energy. The projects that he managed were well-scoped and -described and followed predictable schedules and deadlines. Christian is easy to work with and, will proactively spot and raise risks to the project plan with PO or relevant stakeholders when he sees them.
As a colleague, Christian is pleasant to be around, and always acts in a respectful and empathetic manner when working with colleagues.
Jonas Bjerregaard Nielsen
Chief Product Officer, SimpleSite

His approach to UX and UI is excellent

It has been a pleasure working with Christian and I hereby give my best recommendations to whomever wants to know. Working in a startup Christian had many roles but he was responsible for the designproces (end-to-end) from research, wireframing to final UI design.
Christian was also involved in the company strategy from segmentation, KPIs, value proposition and cost modelling always giving great input or feedback on the crucial business drivers.
I can highly recommend Christian in product development since he is a person with great analytical skills being very structured and thorough on his tasks as a service designer.
His approach to UX and UI is excellent and I will definitely work with Christian again sometime in the future when Servicelovers has grown big enough that we can headhunt him back, until then - godspeed! :-)
Christian Brauner
Founder & Managing Director, Servicelovers

Extremely hard-working and structured

Christian is undoubtedly one of the most professional and talented person I had the great pleasure to work with, seeing his daily work for 1½ years. Extremely hard-working and structured, who's always thinking about improving the product, never leaving a question unanswered or a stone unturned.
Christian has always a light and super good mood; and is a person who's keen on showing his vision, while also being curious about different perspectives. He is permeable to changes and to learn more, while promoting department's co-work.
I highly recommend Christian for employment. He is an independent team player and very skilled professional.
André Ferreira
UI Designer, SimpleSite

Great eye for details but also the ability to keep an overall perspective of project goals

I’ve had the pleasure of working closely with Christian during his employment at Servicelovers – a small but succesful startup in Copenhagen.
Christian is without a doubt one of the most structured, fast learning and highly skilled people I have ever worked with. He has great research and analytical skills and combined with his interest in business strategy he manages to put research into strong business ideas. On top of that he has a great design eye which came in very handy when working together on prototyping and new designs for our apps and our website.
He has a great eye for details but also the ability to keep an overall perspective of project goals. As a person he is openminded and curious with great interpersonal skills. He would be a strong addition to any team. I sincerely hope to get the chance to work with Christian again in the future.
Casper Nybro Hach
Lead Product Designer, Servicelovers

Analytical and creative

Jeg har fulgt Christian Brandstrup Jensen igennem hans studie, som Bachelor i Leisure Management på University College Sjælland. Jeg har undervist Christian i fagene: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Branding, Servicemanagement og været hans vejleder i hans afsluttende Bachelor projekt og det har været en udsøgt fornøjelse.
Christian har en sjælden evne til at være hurtig opfattende, analytisk, kreativ, og et rart menneske. Hans arbejde har altid et højt faglig niveau og jeg vil i høj grad anbefale Christian i hans videre arbejde, studie eller som selvstændig.
Susanne Korsholm
Senior Lecturer, University College Sjælland
Christian Jensen

Let's get to know each other

Are you looking for a passionate and highly structured full-stack Product Designer with a strong business-mindset? Reach out so we can schedule a chat right away or read on to learn a bit more about me. I look forward to learning about you and your business and offer my advice on the best path forward.
About Me
Let's talk

Don't hesitate to reach out